150 People released this week. 50+ more expected Friday!

Our team has been working around the clock to welcome our friends as they are released from Geo. 

We appreciate all our volunteers, those who've donated, sent food, or donations to Casa. THANK YOU! 

We expect about 50+ people released tomorrow. Please consider volunteering! We are in great need of drivers, people waiting outside of Geo, meal makers, and cleaners&organizers. For information on volunteering or if you are already a volunteer and would like to receive our sign up link, please email us at info@casadepazco.org.

If you can not volunteer but would like to support, please consider donating through our wishlists or we would also greatly appreciate monetary donations on our give lively.
Checks can also be sent to PO BOX 111351 Aurora, CO 80042

Wishlists: https://www.casadepazcolorado.org/wish-list
Give lively: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/casa-de-paz/casa-de-paz

In the News:

Nonprofit Casa de Paz focused on assisting migrants in need of help.

Expiration of Tile 42 impacts nonprofits seeing more people released from ICE detention center.

11th Birthday Party Postponed

Due to the number of releases, we have decided to postpone our birthday party. Our team is currently working extended hours and taking on extra shifts therefore, we are going to reschedule our celebration to a later date. We appreciate your understanding & support. 


We Can’t Thank This Community Enough!


May Events!